Saturday, May 14, 2011

Harmon Killebrew

Today it was announced MLB legend and hall of famer, Harmon Killebrew has decided to stop receiving treatment for his esophageal cancer. His doctors have deemed it incurable and Killebrew will live out his last days in hospice care. For whatever reason, this news saddens me greatly.

Being a baseball fan since 1984, I have seen many legends pass on, including recently when my favorite all-time pitcher, Bob Feller passed on. There's just something about knowing the fight is over while the patient is still alive that makes it sad. Certain legends you can see becoming older and know they'll possibly pass on soon, but you don't know when exactly. They can pass today or fifteen years from now, just as anyone else in life does. In Killebrew's case though, he probably won't be fortunate enough to live much longer.

This is what makes me sad. The knowledge of a person's demise is imminent. Even though Killebrew isn't one of my favorite players ever, I still have a great respect for him. He played the game hard, tough, and is a great example of how a player should play. In respect of his career, the Twins hung Killebrew's old jersey in their dugout.

It's sad to see a legend pass on, but it's even more sad when you know the end is coming soon. I hope those players such as Joe Nathan, Jim Thome, and Justin Morneau, who say you were a mentor to them at some point of their career, can carry on the knowledge you passed on to them.

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